Intuition And Interpretation

             The Soul and The Mind         

Universe is a beautiful creation, All the existence in the universe were more beautiful.
Creation itself an unique process,endless,without limitation, makes us feel lost in ocean.
Man the superior among all existence, is a complicated design due to the presence of mind.
He knows very well there is a power behind this creation sometimes misguided beyond due
to his jumping mind.

The society,the mass is nothing but cluster of individuals. They may be from different race,culture
custom,language,feelings etc. Apart from all these differentiation. one main trapping is the way of
thinking,Thought process has deep variations among the individuals.While educating the mind
should be trained with values,learning gaps,every soul should respect each other,there must be
breathing space to review things instead of manipulating on any individual. It is one of the way
for framing a healthier society.

Intuition And Interpretation

Any individual who identifies his self and aware of the Soul and the Mind, will realizes the influence
of external forces and handle things with reinforcement.Since the society has different personalities
it is better to reconcile and reconsider every word of them and should learn to sort natural and
unnatural pretensions. its saves so many lives before a judgement.

Intuition is sub conscious level of thinking,connected with the soul which has broader vision try
to guide us in the time of darkness to light up with positive thoughts.This positive thought take
you to next level of problem solving and find a way.But Interpretation is thinking from the mind
without reference value and agitates the environment will create chaos.This brings disturbance
and make depressed.

In order to overcome all the results, the soul and mind should maintain equilibrium ,educate
the self and try to bring peace in the society.

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