21 Dec 2018

The Laws of Universe - Order of Life


The Laws of the Universe

Beautiful Universe

The author just searching for the words, sometimes the flow of thoughts get
interrupted, Now the mind started realizing that bits and pieces of thought
and allowing by itself take the destination to this article.

Nothing under this earth is new, each and every event is prefixed by the creator
No souls have evidence of their origin, there are so many theories and
interpretation regarding the functioning of the “Universe” and one such
thought of this author became this article.

Nature the main source of life on earth nourishes all its creation without
partial and teaches us unconditional love on earth.No doubt only pure
love alone can sustain this world. Mother Nature takes all the responsibility
for both pleasure and pain.

Why did this game start? what is the reason behind it? what is the purpose of
existence? I think no one has an accurate answer and the thesis has been
submitted page after page by different authors.

I realized there is a purpose for the existence on this earth, Life on earth started
from one-celled amoeba and by evolution, it reached its peak is
Human Being”. Well, the subconscious mind always stores the memories and
tries to communicate now and then at times when needed.

Creator or the Master is a pure love that created this beautiful and amazing
place for us to enjoy and spread the love or the enjoyment to the rest of the creation.

He wants us to learn and experience certain morals and abide by those rules to 
maintain order in this Universe.

One of those laws is “Love all Serve all” - it means always be filled with unconditional 
love, which alone will forgive and forget the errors or mistakes of others. You can feel this 
when you execute in action, make a try when someone irritates or harm you, just move 
with a smile from that place without any grudge the Soul will be in peace at the same 
time can feel happy because it is a divine quality that brings and spreads happiness 
within and around us.

Next is “Help the Helpless” it is a character that should be taught by every
parent to their younger generation not by words but by performing by themselves. 

Taught the kids the values in life, let them be not corrupted by any source of influence.
Quote them the Goodness from our epics and Puranas. Train them to be brave and 
healthy that makes them appealing and self-confident.

Richest or Poorest  This is logical ethics, analysis is not practical but the inner conscious 

should educate a passion to see the souls based on their qualities and not on their 
quantity, in other words, should be spiritualistic and not materialistic. Rich or less rich 
all is based on their characters.

Lead a Life with purpose - Each and every Soul should have a purpose for their life 
leaving a message for their existence. We are travelers on this earth just resting in the 
lap of mother nature and continuing our journey to the next phase when there is a call 
from nature.

Would like to share more thoughts about the creation and its miracles in my next write-up.  


Shanthi Jayakumar said...

To My Cute Youngsters "Love the Self"

Every Individual together forms the Society

So any transformation should start from the Individual.

Khan said...

Deep thoughts mam. Much needed info for younger generation. Definitely morality must be taught to this teenagers.

Shanthi Jayakumar said...

Thank you khan

Anonymous said...

Very nice 👍👍👍

Anonymous said...

Super thoughts 👌👌👌