6 Mar 2019




The best friend and the worst enemy both of them are within you.No one from outside can harm us. It is your Mind that causes all illusion and pushes you down. Our inexperienced thoughts will become prey for the dramatic Mind. The silent valley brings peace but the agitated and rough sea brings fear and frown. Yes !! the Mind is like a rough sea with dashing waves, it is always has a wavering thought. Only an integrated and awaken "Soul" can have control over his Mind to check its quality of thoughts.

Uncertainty of Life brings complexity for the Weaker Souls thereby creating a lot of troubles to the persons related, their insecure "Mind" will writes a lot of play with different performance and justify others action without any revive to protect their assumed thoughts. They don't know the trick played by their own minds and get trapped, without any comparison values,it will magnify each and every incident in their life as though the Whole Universe were pitched against them to destroy their existence. 

If you awaken the Soul by surrendering and by educating with books and works of great scholars and Gurus then it will clear the cloud that made you blind though have well-visioned eyes. Each and every Soul is immortal, only it can uplift the mind and educate to access the thoughts and brings self-realization.

Justify - Both the Friend and Foe is the Self (Mind).

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