8 Nov 2019

Balancing the Temper

Balancing the Temper

Being reasonable in thinking is the only way to balance the temper. A pleasing and reputed personality becomes awkward when behaves with a short temper. We heard lots of stories about the damage caused by an imbalanced temper. Either by nature or by provocation most of the time we lose ourselves in anger, this should be checked to lead a peaceful life.

Violence is not the answer for violence, our leaders followed non-violence and achieved their goals. Once you control the temper, the words spoken will also have control, no matter whether you feed the hunger or not, it is the duty of every human to behave like a human. Whether you may be a speaker, advisor, or in any profession the main source of input is your style of addressing others. One soft and caring speech will bring tremendous changes around us.

On other hand the most disguising monster is the words spit in anger which is unbearable, unwanted, meaningless never be appreciable whatever may be your position in society.

Please cultivate your children's or the students both parents and teachers, a request kept before you to train and mold the kids with all good qualities and teach them certain ways to balance their temper.

Education will qualify us as civilized citizens but experienced people can train us to handle the situation with at most patience, responsibilities, and care to maintain peace and order in us as well as in the society.

Dear students again my pointer is towards the youth who can bring expectation and assurance by changing the world from the demons with a sense of humor.

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