9 Apr 2021

The Dear Depart - The Loved Ones Who Left this Earth

Your Loved Ones

Those who were walking with you

Those who were living with you all  the way

Suddenly they disappear in the name of death

This stressful life  makes us forget life is temporary

Childhood, Youth, Adult, where the stage makes us dreamful and adventures

But makes us  so aggressive, adamant, and rationalize our way of thinking

Forget about those sailing with us will also get affected by all our moves

Let us realize the uncertainty of life and try to correct your tenures

if not the loss will be unbearable, why so hurry and burry the loved ones

for they become  the target  for your passionate and dreamful life

Much not later to  feel the absence of some golden souls

By our mess we missed certain roles of life leaving this play unexpectedly 

Making us to question our purpose in life and abandon the motive senseless

Let us not lose or quit any valuable relationship unnoticed  when they live

Make them happy with all the little petty things they love to live


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