19 Oct 2021

From the Bed of Illness


Changing Phase of Life

From the Bed of  Illness

The universe is designed such, the creations depend on each other knowingly or unknowingly. But in some cases, it is becoming a one-way transaction ( because the relationship totally became a business). Sickness or illness is one of the tools to measure and identify the true nature of the people around.

A valued brought up proves to exhibits quality of life in all situations. Inherited values from the ancestral teachings remain theoretical fails on practical approach. Why this mess in culture??? targeting the mixed society with impertinent actions.

Every human needs care and concern from the fellowmen of his own traits when needed, on the refusal of such attention creates controversy and a communication gap. It may be in earlier days humans had great regard and importance for their fellowmen, now ended up, motivated towards power, fame and material wealth that collapsed all the relationships, even the closest became an alien.

When I faced a situation similar, I remembered those words of J. Krishnamurthy's "Sorrow or Pain " never try to get rid of, face it, live with it, make it friendly and try to find, then you will start loving it and at the end, you will know the reason, know to handle the situation, move on with life successfully and peacefully.

Dear friends, whenever you face a similar situation, never lose hope, never panic, strengthen your soul and mind, no one will come for your aid except you and this Universe, think we come to earth alone and going to leave alone, never make your self depend on anyone. Help yourself and cry for help from this Universe or Creator. Think this is the only solution and become a child in the hands of this Universe which sure to come to your aid

Do you have all rights to question this Universe??? Because Creator alone is responsible for this creation, it will be prompted to you or push you to do things that will unbind the situation and let you free. And when this Universe comes to your Aid nothing can prevent you from receiving your blessings or grace.

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