26 May 2021

Blend with Nature - The Source of Existence


Blending with Nature is souce of life

Blend with Nature

It is an art to know to blend with nature. Nature is the universal mother for all living beings.

Except human beings all livings things had this blending capacity, sometimes I think to become a grasshopper or a bird just to know is there any deviation in their lifestyle, I don't see any such deviations, they never complained about life nor seems to feel bored in the routine, only human beings feel lonely or bored or fed up with the present and want some adventures that sometimes lead to distraction.

We can see a communal feel and cooperation in birds, animals, and even insects, they have certain rules and restrictions, they adhere to them strictly so the whole community were secure and thrive well to their span of life.

Humans gifted by the sixth sense complicate their lives instead of having clarity and transparency, both cultural and religious dominance though started minimal hiked to the extreme where you can witness many events among the closest which shakes and scatters even the strong souls. Their wealth makes the mean-minded personalities enforce the religious dominance and buy the weak souls in the name of charity, but some strong souls are ready to suffer and receive the painful blows where this society gifts them for their conventional attitude.

Freedom is the only tool that will hold this  Mankind together, valuable freedom should be protected and used in the right manner, in the name of freedom never allow any dominance neither a material arrogance, no one should be forced or bribed to follow certain things that bring next door hatred and cutting our freedom.

The basic nature of every human should be protected by giving his individual freedom and should be educated the effects of their participation in the well fair of the society. One group of awakening souls is not enough to taste the fruit of freedom, the awakening should be a healthier solution to eradicate the invade of the foreign particles as well as foreign policy.

Lets us join hands with those brothers and sisters of this world from our concreted base to come up from this unhealthy situation by blending with nature, no one is aware of what nature wants from us, whatever is the best render either by service, motivation, material help or any physical help that can be done without self damaged, it is more important first to fight against this microbial organism by blending with nature to show the remedy and cure and rescue the society back. 


2 May 2021

Re shape Your Individuality - During the process of this Life

Every Individual is Unique

Re-shape your Individuality

As a grown-up every individual has their originality which will be grounded and shaped, in due course, we get influenced and inspired from the experience and associated persons and acquire certain qualities that elevate our inner conscious and groom our Individuality, this is what we call Re-shaping the individuality.

Experience without learning may lead to repetition in nature will seem to be a curse for us, better not late try to modify the self when nature wants you to get an experience, we will be having so many questions in our mind? it's true!! we have to inquire about those things. why should undergo such experiences? Is there any compulsion? why can't lead a life just like that spending the time as I wish? The real and practical truth is  Yes, we have to undergo all those experiences, needed to mold our Soul., this place is not permanent to us, when there is a call from nature we have to shed this body to this soil and vacate to continue our journey, the beginning and end of our journey is hidden from us and this present life is a transit.

This transitional period is a gift to us from the "Divine", this period is to learn, execute and Reshape your individuality by adding certain qualities and values to the self. To clear up our accumulated karmas and freshen up the self from all illusions and expectations. Detoxifying the Soul or removing all negative thoughts, vibrations, and actions that covered the Soul as a false sheath. By doing so we are a step towards enlightenment.

The bonds created by the relationships should not be broken or neglected, but it has to dissolve on realization setting our boundaries free, discrimination among the creation will merge and make us think all are one under this roof and we have come to perform our purpose. This sense of realization should not be stopped as thinking but should be executed in action is the sign of Re-shaping our Individuality..

As an integrated and Re-shaped we should have knowledge about what to be and what not to be? Yes, Fear or Fearless, freedom or slavery, Individuality or Collapsed, Messy or clean straight, this can be done only by self-analyzing and self-valuing.

Respect the Self, Re-shape your Individuality and Refresh the journey of life.

16 Apr 2021

Scribble -To Rectify Your Fate


S C R I B B L E - To Err is Human

Scribbling is rough work before your final and neat presentation.

Just scribbling doesn't fetch any importance or regard, but it is the most important thing because every interesting assignment will have a lot of scribbles on aligning with sequence gives a beautiful script.

This scribbling pad or rough book is a must for any successful project the very same in our life also.

Without doing any mistakes or err we don't learn how to handle life events. By repeated correction and fair copies, we can produce high-quality performance.

This scribble though not an actual script has prominence and ethics for the writers to encode their inborn nature communicating through their works.

I think even the creator of this universe scribbles our fate without order and tries to correct it in due course based on our fresh karmas.

Our Good thought and good action is the tool to inspire the creator to consider and correct the scribbles in our fate. To perform good actions with good motivation to realign our fate since scribbles are our hidden chances to elevate our quality of life.


9 Apr 2021

The Dear Depart - The Loved Ones Who Left this Earth

Your Loved Ones

Those who were walking with you

Those who were living with you all  the way

Suddenly they disappear in the name of death

This stressful life  makes us forget life is temporary

Childhood, Youth, Adult, where the stage makes us dreamful and adventures

But makes us  so aggressive, adamant, and rationalize our way of thinking

Forget about those sailing with us will also get affected by all our moves

Let us realize the uncertainty of life and try to correct your tenures

if not the loss will be unbearable, why so hurry and burry the loved ones

for they become  the target  for your passionate and dreamful life

Much not later to  feel the absence of some golden souls

By our mess we missed certain roles of life leaving this play unexpectedly 

Making us to question our purpose in life and abandon the motive senseless

Let us not lose or quit any valuable relationship unnoticed  when they live

Make them happy with all the little petty things they love to live


13 Mar 2021

The Power of Surrender

 Power of Your Surrender

The Poet is walking in the midst of the storm

He can see nothing in darkness except lonely vision

The next step in his path is hidden  and feel the fear

Unassuming poet's mind  is in calm but claims some support within

Eyes are blurring and tears are threatening to roll

His mind is arrested and the flow of thought is ceased a while

He is in amnesia and unable to feel the happening around

where is the Grace? Is he testing or molding or punishing

I can't find either my footstep or anyone to run and hold

Only messy events which block to revealing the truth

Hopeless nights made me cry for sleep and peace

Like a noiseless stream of water, I can hear the sound of a footstep

Thoughtless poet unwilling to hear the sound

But surprised by the sudden vision of light crossed his way

Made him courageous and strong to guide him walkthrough

with this divine presence, he  crossed this passage of life

But the disturbed poet wants an explanation from the Grace

Where he was all the time when he lost himself in darkness

Graceful Truth in melodious voice showed his footprint walked for him

With silent tears and full of love the poet wetted the foot of the Grace

And learned the power of surrender to the master is the only tool

To get relieved from this uncertain karmic life.


6 Mar 2021

A Silver Bed - Sea - The Origin of Life


Sea - The Origin of Life- A Silver Bed

Sea - A silver bed

Gushing  with non-stop  flow of water

Playing a hide and seek as waves

 Returns to the sea touching some feet's near the shore

A trendy spot where life starts its origin

Making people search for their roots

Like a sibling  sends s smoky cloud

Hug the wind on its way making the sky cry as Rain

From the origin, a sea is an object of Poet to rhyme

Where adventures voyage from fishermen to businessmen

Treasure of hunting balance this biotic cycle for survival

So many poets took inspiration for their poems,

So much romance and so many withdrawals

So many lives and so many deaths 

So many gossiping and so many problem shedding

Water the universal solvent, glorifying content of this sea

Observes silently consoling those souls with a humming breeze

As a motherly nature sends its frothy tides to touch its shore

Wants to wipe their tears with hope and catch their attention by dashy noise

Assuring a hopeful journey of life with peaceful surroundings.



22 Feb 2021

Around the World - The Fragrance of a Poet


The Fragrance of the Poet

The greatest and most famous Poet is "Grace" or the "Creator", His excellent, unbelievable, endless work is this creation and its performance. Naturally, this trait will be seen in some of the Souls as inborn nature which will bring a cluster of words by inspiration on the beauty around. There are two sides in any field, one is positive and the other is negative. The poet recites the poem only on any one of these effects. It depends on how his thoughts get engaged. Sometimes he will choose a topic in philosophy or beauty or problems or events or mourn, it depends on the situation and its influence on the poet. Though a poet needs an extraordinary skill to write a poem, it needs more quality to read and understand a poem and its depth to appreciate the work.

A Poet

who is a Poet?

Is he a Creator equalizing  the Omnipresence

Nor an influencer conquering the Souls

OR  an alien to this world viewing everything in varied dimension

Is this quality a Bless or Curse for him?

As a blessing, he will be admired, celebrated, and popular with the rest of the Souls.

As a Curse, he refuses to digest the Reality in this universe.

A vibrant poetic character gets stuck and moves in a rut

The created values in his thought never reconcile

And endures pain out of such boosted values.

Even a lifeless thing inspires him to recite

A rhythmic mood motivates a couplet.

As a passionate soul, he rides on his thoughts

Leaving a mark on this universe clearing all weeds and whispers on him.

His broad vision never targets petty things

The beauty of nature is the style of a poet. 

The universe to the "Creator" And The Poem to the "Poet" sounds the same.

As a creator, the poet tries to bring all possibilities of beauty in his poem.

He can even portray "Poverty" in a different sense of neutralizing the lifeline.

Real Creator is the immediate ancestral for this poetic Creator.

17 Feb 2021

My Experience with "Truth"

My Experience and views about "Truth"

In this post, I would like to speak through this video

Please view fully and subscribe to get updated.


10 Oct 2020

Compliance with Nature

Nature in Freedom

1. The nature of the Soul is freedom, It loves to be free in thought, action, and process of retrieving.

2. The abundance of resources is not confined to one particular race its for disbursal at the need of all creation.

3. It never penalizes or puts a penalty when its creation behaves without values, instead it wants them to be educated and realize its origin and add value to the creation.

4. Though there are innumerable existence of beings both visible and invisible in this universe, only human beings were in their full form to function as per their desire until needed to be checked.

5. This acquired life is nothing, very rudimentary and in a primitive stage, 
there is vast information stored and gathered which may or may not align 
with your thought process. you have 
been given a free hand to find a way of your own to reach the goal.

6. Clarity in thinking simplifies your life in picking up your card and moving around.

Norms in Nature

1. Anyone can enjoy their freedom until it checks others' space.

2. Nature will ban your movements if your act creates pain on others irrespective of the relationships. 

3. Certain karma will allow suffering by relating us for the will of others but at one point it makes to encounter the same with courage.

4. Try not to dictate to the creator what to do or not to do.

5. Your way of life should be appreciable and never be a curse on others.

6. Self-control in all aspects of life makes you mature, magnanimous, and a model for this race.

7. To be or not to be , a spiritual soul is up to your choice, until you find it choiceless.

In a conclusion to be free, nature wants us to respect each other's space, perform the given responsibilities without attachment.