2 Jan 2020

Honor the Self - Respect your Soul

Respect the Self

First, learn to respect yourself, it needs explanation and education from our elders, only they can feed us with all instinct reality that makes a Soul glorify its presence on this earth.

No one can predict an exact reason for this creation, it may be for a purpose or simply a game, whatever may be the character should follow certain rules and restrictions because this Soul borrowed the so-called "Body" from this universe.

So first we should care, treat and respect the self with total effort and concern without creating any pain or damage to the body till the universe wants back the same. Always the body should be under our observation because an unhealthy body refuses to co-operate or denies to perform his duties.

Honor your Soul

Always try to live a soulful life, ours is a precious life gifted by this Universe which should not be wasted or regretted, so please make yourself as prior to any other thing, it doesn't mean to selfish, it is actually to be more honest to the self, engage the self in happiest events, love and respect the self, when you love and honor the self, in turn, the self get motivated, acquire the happiness and the love and spread in its surroundings, so learn to honor your soul.

The soul gets hurt when it is manipulated either by us or from outside, be justified first to your "Self" and then be to others, never re-shape the soul for pretentious things, because life on earth is so free to choose at the same time very complex to survive with independence, nourish the soul by proofing its priority so that the energy gets boosted to do an extra-ordinary performance.

Dear Youngsters, it is the time to speak with all youths :

1. Be assertive, Be positive, Be cherishing.

2. This life though given by your parents is god's gift to you, so be best to yourself and to the "Creator"

3. Never manipulate others nor get manipulated by others.

4. Boost your energy level by nourishing the self with quality inputs, staying away from all garbages.

5. Create an endless life for the self by giving highly defined performance showing your self-confidence, courage, fearless actions with an immediate move to give happiness to the creator.

I am just assembling some experienced words with expectation words for the Youths to lead a meaning full and powerful life.

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