26 Feb 2020

Towards Ageing - The Span of Life

The Law of Nature

There are different theories and views about the existence of life on Earth.
It is our born freedom to question Nature whenever we face any deviation in life.
There are a hierarchy and terms in nature from a primitive to a magnified living on this earth.

Towards Ageing

Periodic cycle

There is a consecutive period between every birth and death of any living on this world,only thung is the variation or timing differs in every individual.

A flower             - maybe a day or two

An insect             - may be in weeks

A Bird                  may be in years

An Animal          - maybe 5 or more than 10 years

In humans          - mostly 60 yrs or 70yrs but in rare cases it touches 80 plus.

The Creator has a lot of love and cares towards the newborn and children till 5 years, after that he expects them to be under his representatives their Parents to guide and teach them good habits and good principles, this is allowed till their teenage, from the teenage the Guru or the Teachers have the responsibility in molding them.

When they attain Youth or as a grown-up Adult, they have to learn their life and events meet this competitive world and challenge to prove themselves to become a self-confidence human and groom themselves, here experiments are allowed, errors are excused and options will be given to correct themselves even this period Grace will interfere and guide them when they regret.

But the hardest part of the life of every human was 40 to 50 years of age, you can never feel the presence of God, we will be thrashed and whipped for all our mistakes and every option will be closed until and unless you cry and melt for grace to interfere, feel like abandoned, after 60 the Creator will loosen up the situation and allow us to breathe where he wants us to finish our karmic duties that is the cause for birth. 

The last and final stage will be our retiring stage where he wants us to guide and advise the young generations to lead a neat and healthy life.

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