12 May 2022

Right to Choose - Your Competitor or Your Rival

 To Choose Your Competitor or Your Rival

First place goes to qualify a person or group of people to be your competitor or rival. Yes, many of them assume and qualify themselves to be rivals and take all actions against an individual or a family or a group making themselves as well as the opponent in a mess or severe trouble-  this has to be checked. 

Different Types of Rivalry

Biological, Personal, and Business rivals. The first 2 types are emotional hindrances. The third type of Business rival can't be avoided in another way this competition paves a healthy environment to improve ourselves and grow. We can welcome this type of attitude for mental challenges but not for any physical assault.

Rivalry is also a character

This is an human nature, this character can be checked by applying the morals one has to follow in the society before it harms or hurts other human beings, An healthy competition is always welcomed but a rivalry that damages the life of any beings is condemned.

Beauty of Creation

Creation is a beautiful process programmed by the higher conscious, we are not aware of the continuity of  the births nor the occurrence of  billions and billions of unfold creation. Creation a beautiful concept, wonderful experience and a joyful game until and unless we encounter any bitterness or unexpected events that brings mutation in our path of life.

Live your life and Leave your life

Just a span is allotted for all to lead this life, Live the extended rope without trying any artificial extension that was suspended to every being and hidden to protect their happiness and for the ongoing process, so let us not put more effort in tracing the pattern or the preparation of lives that "Master" hold and refuses to unfold the truth.

Live the minute, breathe the minute consciously, enjoy the happenings by you and around you, move on with fetched maturity gained and fed to your "Soul". All experiences will nourish the so called "Soul" that is inexperienced about itself and the life around.

The Competitor or the Rival

It is you who chooses the object. Yes, when fully awaken , feel meaningless fighting with your shadow, to accumulate the knowledge which is unlimited need millions of lives to acquire, makes you to forget and forgive the penny things like rivalry and run to catch mass truth that is scattered in this "Universe".

12 Mar 2022

Reasoning Your Life


Reasoning Your Life

Reasoning Your Life

1. When we realize, my thinking is my pattern of Life, We learn to cross our fate.

2. When the pattern of Life never gives satisfaction or success, it means the thinking process should be checked in different dimensions.

3. When a person takes full responsibility for the failures and defeats in his life, it means he is thinking in the right direction, blaming others, or diverting your wrong actions towards your karma which doesn't fetch any solutions for the change of your life. 

4. Your thought process should be viewed from a different angle and read the twist it keeps on every action by unfolding the nature of your mind that plays all tricks and twists.

5. The political mind always attempts to create problems for the self and the people related to it. A dangerous situation to deal with such sick minds who always want recognition among the group.

6. A self-centered human mind always puts the same side goal, where it feels comfortable and safe with its materialistic life.

7. It never bothers about the impact and pain it causes for the people around, instead, it tries to influence the same match and manipulate the situation to get engaged by shaking healthy and super-natural minds and endorsing suffering to them.

8. The weeping Supernatural minds get crushed and scattered, this weakens the soul of that human which has to be energized with different tools.

9. No way the Universe or the Omnipresence interfere to set right or check these happenings nor its work to correct these things, it is our own responsibility to be reasoning in every way of life's events and be alert and awake during this span of life.

10. Thus pack all your sentimental measurements and be practical with straight queries that assemble all the events without any deviation from your thinking and reasoning.

9 Mar 2022

The Flawless Dream


The Flawless Dream

A flawless dream

A Sleepy Night took me to another dimension of life

A flawless dream interrupted my peaceful sleep

My Ancestors communicated certain theories of life

Nearly half a century of my life was  spent unfocused

Though I knew  certain philosophies  of life, I ignored 

The dream insisted  me, Creation is vast and our small life is an air bubble.

Any knowledge in any field is limited, Train your wavering Mind to stop at the threshold

Sow and Reap the land given to you and don't peep into others

When the digging is deeper and deeper you will locate your treasure.

I realized to unfold my string of life, but the time nor the events refused to do so

As a metric of life they stick on with the rules, no pain or pleasure only the ongoing process.

I cried with the memories of my past, the bonding with my loved ones who left this earth

The overloaded burdens in my heart threatened and squeezed my Soul.

Heard a voice of  my beloved ancestors consoling to unburden the pain

Overthinking and empowering the process of life creates anxiety and sleepless nights

Awaiting nature to disclose its path and pattern of life.

The flawless dream ends in a screen.

10 Dec 2021

The Life That Decides Your Destiny



Though Life has different views and interpretations, the most common and simple meaning is "Existence" a lively form of any existence. (living in a form on earth). This valuable existence in Creation is not alone, groups of existence are there in varied form with varied adaptive nature to perform its purpose on this "Universe".

One such valuable or irreversible moment should be lived with potential, if it's so, is this happening properly? the answer to this question should be after interrogating the self. Yes, Are we on the right path and right direction in the ongoing process of "Life".

Scientific and  Technological development happened through several researches and experiments with authentication, ripening the benefits to this "Universe" but the Philosophical and Psychological developments cannot be proved with any such experiments, it is a very sensitive process dealing with lives of many "Souls" to conduct a study on their behavior pattern which needs them to be exposed and explored with the situation faced on the path of any human "Life".

Are you serious about the "Existence" or the "Life"? then live in the present and never postpone or see back for any consolation to escape from the present condition. Only a few who learned the intensity of "Life" and the "Time" given to them in performing their actions will move on with the flow and reach their destiny others either by speaking some proverbs or misuse in the name of "Philosophy" will engulf the precious "Time" allotted by this "Universe" to finish the deal and certainly retire from this gushing "Life" by missing a chance to elevate themselves from this karmic cosmos.

So only your approach is considered "Your Life will decide Your destiny", no external force or any influencer can live your so-called "Life". You decide the action to be taken and create opportunities, even a small dot can be drawn as a big drawing, try always the level best in the present, nor the past or the future is not in your hands, take the experience of past, figure out your present and leave the fruit of future in the hands of this "Universe".


19 Oct 2021

From the Bed of Illness


Changing Phase of Life

From the Bed of  Illness

The universe is designed such, the creations depend on each other knowingly or unknowingly. But in some cases, it is becoming a one-way transaction ( because the relationship totally became a business). Sickness or illness is one of the tools to measure and identify the true nature of the people around.

A valued brought up proves to exhibits quality of life in all situations. Inherited values from the ancestral teachings remain theoretical fails on practical approach. Why this mess in culture??? targeting the mixed society with impertinent actions.

Every human needs care and concern from the fellowmen of his own traits when needed, on the refusal of such attention creates controversy and a communication gap. It may be in earlier days humans had great regard and importance for their fellowmen, now ended up, motivated towards power, fame and material wealth that collapsed all the relationships, even the closest became an alien.

When I faced a situation similar, I remembered those words of J. Krishnamurthy's "Sorrow or Pain " never try to get rid of, face it, live with it, make it friendly and try to find, then you will start loving it and at the end, you will know the reason, know to handle the situation, move on with life successfully and peacefully.

Dear friends, whenever you face a similar situation, never lose hope, never panic, strengthen your soul and mind, no one will come for your aid except you and this Universe, think we come to earth alone and going to leave alone, never make your self depend on anyone. Help yourself and cry for help from this Universe or Creator. Think this is the only solution and become a child in the hands of this Universe which sure to come to your aid

Do you have all rights to question this Universe??? Because Creator alone is responsible for this creation, it will be prompted to you or push you to do things that will unbind the situation and let you free. And when this Universe comes to your Aid nothing can prevent you from receiving your blessings or grace.

5 Jul 2021

Transform your Weakness into Strength

How to Transform Weakness to Strength

 This journal is about  " How to transform our weakness into our strength"

First Step:

Take the fear out, try to be alone for some time in a day, and go deeper inside, interrogate the self, and remove the negative impact of your mind-made thoughts. Yes, sometimes the sickness of our Mind makes us weaker before going for a positive approach in our Life, it is the nature of our Mind, to know this we should be aware and well informed from a "Guru" or an inspired "Guide" .. Those Guru or Guide should be beyond your undoubted or unwavering faith, then the Mind accepts their words positively.

Second Step

Those words from the "Guru's" also sometimes irritate or confuse since the mind likes instability, this is the time where your "Soul" should awaken, when the Soul gets awakened,  the mind gets trapped for its mischievous activity. We should think this Soul has taken this body to perform its purpose of this "Life" so " I" is the Soul here and it never gets affected by the karma performed by this body, all the relationships in this birth have a bond only with this body and not with the "Soul" because the Soul has gone through so many births and got groomed and elevated by undergoing the actions performed by the bodies taken in its merry go round game, this second step in the process of transformation is very important to have the courage to believe that its a "Soul" and it possesses many inborn skills and stands with divinity.

The Next Step 

All the illusions which are already existing in this "Universe" and some "Man-made " are breakable by this powerful "Soul" and come out of the cotyledon breaking the meaningless rules. The powerful tool which this universe holds against us is our karma both less good and good karmas. No other way we have to encounter these reactions from nature as we first did the action. Never try to escape from those karmas or postpone to accept the events related to them. Once you realize and regret each and every action made on this universe, you will get the strength and resilience to dissolve those life-threatening events. Thus realization converts or transforms your fear and weakness into your unshakable strength.

Sometimes in Life even the basic needs become questionable, these materialistic events of life makes you become financial obligator to a certain situation, this is the only crisis which has to be checked at the starting stage itself because it paves way for all other disasters in life, first it spoils the reputation, it becomes a tool for your fellowmen to feed his rivalry quality and becomes a room for gossiping with unwanted rumors, once we check out from this pit using our hard work and smartness, half the problem get solved thereby eliminating the accumulated fear. Then "Life" becomes a "Rainbow" to achieve the dream life.

Now as a conclusion there is always a solution for any questionable situation, we have to do some homework and come out with our inborn skills and qualities


2 Jul 2021

Reality: The Power of Surrender

The Power of Surrender

Power of Your Surrender

The Poet is walking in the midst of a storm He can see nothing in darkness except lonely vision 

The next step in his life is questionable?

Who I am?  From where do I come?

These are the questions struggling to get a reply

What made him think so?

He lost his way in life, Lost everything that was precious to him

Why did this happen to me? what karmic influence made this to me?

I am inspired by the beauty around me and scribble some words called a poem

This Soul is very soft, harmless, sensational, no expectation, simplicity

And this nature feels too heavy to bear all the tests given by this universe

I am a kid in this creation and love to lead a life without any complications

but what provoked this universe to conduct a test ride which doesn't fit this small soul

Wealth, Popularity, Prominence, nothing tempted me except a happy and peaceful life

what's going in this birth, holding my throat to perform some unknown hidden tasks?

Dear creator this simple soul is too smaller to be your tool, please simplify my life to be smooth

I love  people, enjoy a sense of humor, am easy-going but with little comforts and quality of life

Power, Prominence, Projection, this triple "P" spoils the one and only single "P" Peace 

If self-realization is the goal of this creation and the Souls are expected to transform

Then  my choice of life is correct and can proceed with self-realization and awareness

Lovable Creator what else do you need from this identification to move mountains apart in my path

My one and only tool to reach you is "Surrender", myself to guide this small ray longing for your love. 

29 Jun 2021

Success Verses Intensity

Success with Surrender

The Man -The Goal - The Success

Creation loved and loves his master creation, Man was an elevated conscious in his creational hierarchy, he gave all potential inputs as inborn nature and left the choice with them to use it or not. This phenomenal process of life opened various options to groom and get elevated.

We have as many ways as the number of existence in this universe,  In one birth, not even a single mud you can relocate without his permission, you can surprise why then this game of life and so many births with so many species on this earth, it is the secret of creation and it is hidden from everyone and everything, if at all any tried to explore this process, the creator refuses to reveal the truth sending a message  " Too  Small to  Know "that.

Well ,most of us would read and hear about these theories in very different ways, but here we are going to focus on only one topic Success, what is success? whether it has a positive value or neutral? is this permanent or temporary? Yes, success is a focused goal that inspires and pushes anyone who has the thirst for achievements, once the goal has been set up and focused, the motivation and the hard work towards the goal are sure to succeed and prove the ability and intelligence of the self, my question is, " Is this a measure to man's potential?" if so once the success was tasted by any individual should be permanent, I am sure this is not the condition. Man after achieving Success undergoing so much stress and pain again, he has to undergo many times the same struggle and pain to possess that Success.

When you approach a successful person we can list a number of mental illusions, they are fearful keep on struggling to maintain their successful life, stressed on their predictions, scared about their reputation in society, if he is not trained to be balanced for the situation, he gets crushed smashed and the ego gets hurt when the graph of success dips. this will spoil his peace and happiness, as a whole, he lives only for his success story and the society and not for his self.

But if the Man realizes his value of existence and a small purpose of his birth, he will balance this life, try to live your life as it is, success or realization, or materialistic or spiritualism whatever it may be go with the flow, then he finds having intense energy that never fears for losing any of his goals. the enormous and luminous intensity accumulated will bring a lot of positive energy that makes him fearless, courageous, masterpiece, executing things efficiently since his mind is in peace and feel safe.

Coming to the conclusion, lead a life soulfully, happily, accept the flow of life, moderate and balance things protecting the self as well as the Life, in other words doesn't be at the back of success, let it comes at the back of you on the way  when you lead a courageous life.


21 Jun 2021

The Language of the Universe


Sound is the language of Universe

The Language of Universe


Though there are so many languages, the language of this Universe is Silence and a mystical Sound.

Yes except these human beings who produce a noisy situation by talking, shouting, and fighting, those others like birds, animals, trees, waves, winds their sounds when heard in open space displays a divine sound that caught our mind making silent. It is a natural therapy.

In  Creation, only human beings are provided with lots of comfort zone but this comfort is not realized or appreciated nor utilized properly. Just growing and feeding the body, sleeping, entertaining alone is not living your life above all there is something which this universe expects from everyone is that elevation of the soul, knowing the self, and rising to higher consciousness. How many of us are aware of this?

Practice Silence, it is the best language to communicate with this universe, an energy saver, potential output, and clear decision making, these are all the benefits we can enjoy when we maintain silence, at least once a day free up some time and go for relaxation. Relaxation in the sense goes for a walk, trying to be alone thoughtless, listen to good music which sounds soothing and soul touching, will enhance the energy level and gets a positive result.

All the languages are man created according to their origin and race, but the sounds are divine and this universe can understand and respond to these mystical sounds, that is why chanting with the correct pronunciation is a must. 

Waves dashing the shore, Trees moving as per direction of a wind, Birds singing when we are alone, Raining with the mud smell all re some of the divine qualities which most of us enjoyed.

Silence and Sound are nature's language.


17 Jun 2021

Next Step in Your Life


Next Step in Life

What is Your Next Step?

Next is a positive word that clears our stagnation in life.

Whatever happens, Life has to continue

Struggling outside brings dis-respect and spoils our reputation

But struggling inside will make the mind silent and kill the heart and scatter the Soul

To find a solution with a handful of options makes me in an asylum.

No compensation, No comparison, No concretion but a blunt conclusion.

I live in this Society I don't have the right to question this society, but as a fellow man can I expect some help? Is not?

Even those fewer sense birds and animals share their drought situation, why does this human being hesitate?

Until and Unless the situation gets reversed I can't prove myself what I  want from those I expect ?.

Dear Creator give me a chance to prove myself not for anyone but for you and you alone.

Dear Youth whatever may your present condition, dont hesitate to move on, because that is the only option to survival. If not you take your next step, a push from Nature is expected anytime that makes you breathless without any prior preparation from your side. 

This world where you come for a purpose is the core, other than that everything surrounding you is  an illusion formed by the player of this game, so be attentive , be aware, be ready to face any uncertainty which has to make you to find a solution and not to fear and put yourself to an useless corner.

Every Life has a meaning , creator plays an Hide and Seek , wants you to find atleast a micromillion piece of the Endless Truth.

When you realize, this worldly life is transitional period of your life, you just shed unnecessary events to witness and focus on your purpose, then nothing can drag you from your path of progress.